1. Research: CPA接到客户询问tax相关事宜的电话,最开始CPA给出口头建议,随后CPA意识到要writing. 问是根据哪个code. 当时我填的是TS 700左右(记得不太清楚,不知道对不对。不过很好搜到)
2. Individual: 算大概七八种情况的casualty loss without limitation under itemized deduction。(因为没有提供AGI数据,当时我就只减掉100,结果就算做casualty loss deduction)
3. Individual: 大概有10种情况,计算AGI (有employer give free-interest loan to employee, then employee use it to buy 2year and 1 year CD, calculate AGI of employee)
4. Individual: 给出七种情况,判断income是active/portfolio/passive.以及每种情况的suspended amount for passive loss是多少(读很多遍都不解其意,默默地填了很多0)
5. statue of limitation individual assessment
6. S corporation: 有十种情况分别判断对shareholder basis 和 AAA的影响(题干中说了S的年初AAA和basis是多少,问每种情况的effect on AAA and basis。题目不难,比较困惑的是effect是说final AAA and basis 还是各自变动情况。如果是变动情况,年初的数据也用不到。。。)
Multiple choice:
个人认为抽到的考题很非主流。计算题只占了1/3, 其余2/3都是论述题(税和法的论述混在一起,傻傻分不清楚,标了很多的小红旗,考完试整个人都要跪,心中无数alpaca飞奔而过。。。)
1) Individual:filing status有考到,判断一家五口可以exemption几个人, qualified employee options, Roth IRA, alimony, state local foreign income taxes, interest expense
2) SSTS: realisitic possibility, reasonable basis, substantial authority, more-likely than not都要了解
3) C corporation RD, charity deduction, corporation E& , life insurance premiums, deduction capital loss, recognized gain的确认。
4) partnership: basis, at-risk loss, sale of partnership interest
5) property tax: Home exclusion, exchange, Section 1245
1) exception to penalty for use of tax exception的几种情况,Circus 230有几道题(包含requirement for covered opinion), state board of accountancy revoke权利,auditor independence, burden of proof, CPA statutory liability( Secion 11 1933, 1934,disclosures prohibited exception), 1933中exemption for registration(考了security of charity 和bank securities issued after 1933 July,问哪个exempt.)
2) contract: 商家发出广告说是10刀卖一个东东,客人去晚了,商家说东西没了卖光了,客人就告商家,问谁赢。还有一题说是两个人组partnership,口头说4/6分,没有定writing agreement.过了一年产生loss,一个Parter不愿分loss.两个人又打起官司,问谁赢理由是什么。Novation. contract assignment 以及contract remedies.
UCC contract: 从contract产生的效果判断是signed是merchant or nonmerchant, ROL
3) Commercial paper:promissory note-maker. drafts-drawer and drawee, bearer and order, HDC, priorities with multiple creditor. Bankruptcy无,
4) rights of partners of partnership and shareholders of C corporation, apparent authority.